CENA Rules 24-25

Rules for Season 2024-2025 applicable to CENA League & CENA Junior League.  For Netball Scotland Competitions please refer to their website.

Part 1 – CENA League

1. League Structure and Promotion/Demotion

1.1. All Clubs that enter CENA must have a valid and up-to-date Netball Scotland Club Licence
Penalty: a club failing to hold the appropriate licence will be given an opportunity to rectify the situation and all teams within the club will accrue zero points from any game until the licence is in place. The CENA Board reserves the right to also remove the club from the CENA League.

1.2. The CENA League for 2024-25 will consist of four divisions of 10 teams and one division of 9 teams and will be played across two half seasons. Each team in every division will play 18 games.
1.2.1. Teams must re-apply each year to take up their space.
1.2.2. For any vacancies in the CENA Divisions, the CENA Board has discretion on how to fill the vacancy, ensuring that any decisions are in line with the purpose of CENA (as set out in the constitution).
1.2.3. Teams may enter if they have outstanding fines or late payments from the prior season with the consent of the CENA Board. However, no points will be accrued until payment has been made or arrangements agreed with the CENA Treasurer. Scores will stand.

1.3. The points will be carried over from the first half of the season, to the second.

1.4. The winner of each division shall be determined by the team with the most points. See rule 3.2 in the event of a tie.

1.5. Promotion and demotion will happen once a season and at the end of the season.

1.6. At the end of the season, the teams who finish first in the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Divisions shall each be promoted to the First, Second and Third Divisions respectively for the following year. The teams who finish last in the First, Second, Third and Fourth Divisions shall each be demoted to the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Divisions respectively. The teams who come second in the Second Division and ninth the First Division, second in the Third Division and ninth in the Second Division, second in the Fourth Division and ninth in the Third Division, and second in the Fifth Division and ninth in the Fourth Division shall compete in play offs to determine which teams are promoted and demoted, with the winners being promoted or staying in the higher Division and the losers being demoted or staying in the lower Division.

1.6.1. Note that where a team withdraws, the CENA Board has the discretion to determine how promotion or demotion will operate and inform CENA members.

1.7. Playoff matches CANNOT be rescheduled.

1.8. In playoff matches, only the players named on the Team Sheet (and who have played at least two games during the season) held on file by the CENA Match Secretary as at the last league game of the season can play, this means teams cannot play players up or down for this match.

Penalty: a team failing to adhere to this rule will lose the play-off.

2. Matches

2.1. Matches will be 4×15 minutes.

2.2. Intervals will be 1 minute at each quarter time and 2 minutes at half time.

2.3. Matches will be played according to INF Rules. Any matter not covered in these rules, should be referred to the CENA Executive in writing via a club representative.

2.4. First named team on fixture list is considered the Home Team.

3. Points

3.1. Teams are given 3 points for a win, 2 points for a draw and 1 point for the losing team if they score at least half the goals of the winner.

3.2. Where there is a tie on points at the end of the season, the ranking of teams will be decided by goal difference: Goals For minus Goals Against. The team with the highest difference will be ranked higher. If in the situation that both teams have the same “difference”, the scores for both games where these teams met during the season are added together and the team with the higher number of goals scored is the winner. For the purposes of determining league winners and in the event that the scores remain tied, a play-off between the two teams will be arranged.

4. Timings

4.1. Teams must be ready to play at the allocated time. As per the INF Rules, the umpires will indicate when there are 10 seconds remaining before the start of any period of play and all players must take the court. The home team is responsible for timing the start of play and informing the umpires when there are 10 seconds remaining by counting down from 20 seconds.

4.2. A team must take the court if there are 5 players present. If there are not 5 players present, the umpires will wait up to 30 seconds.

Penalty: a team failing to take the court within 30 seconds of the start of any period of play will forfeit the game and the umpire will award the win to the opposing team. The ‘winning team’ will be awarded 20 goals for and the ‘losing’ team will be awarded 20 goals against. This situation must be noted on the match sheet.

4.3. Each game must have at least 2 time keepers – one from each team, which is in addition to the scorer. Each time keeper must have 2 stop watches to ensure match timing, stoppages, intervals and suspensions can be accurately timed. Time keepers must sit together and should be away from the team benches.

Penalty: failure to provide timekeepers will result in a point deduction. Note: this penalty will come into effect after the half way point in the season.

4.4. In the event of an injury, the game will be stopped in accordance with the INF Rules. The umpire also has discretion where serious injury occurs or issues with the court. The timings of the game should be adjusted to complete on time. If the game is suspended following injury or umpire decision, the home team must inform the CENA Match Secretary to arrange for it to be replayed (where appropriate).

5. Teams

5.1. Only 12 players may be in the squad on match night.

5.2. The on-court captain must wear identification and this must be exchanged if the on-court captain changes. An option may be a Velcro strip or band provided it is distinct from the playing kit.

5.3. All players must hold an active affiliation of the correct type with Netball Scotland prior to taking the court at any time in the season (i.e. a ‘social’ membership is not acceptable).

Penalty: The team committing the infringement shall have any points awarded from the game(s) deducted. The score line will stand. This penalty will continue for each subsequent game until the situation is rectified.

5.4. All teams must submit prior to the commencement of the league, and keep up-to-date, a Team Sheet to the CENA Match Secretary. Teams are permitted to add a new player provided they are not a current club member at any time. Changes to teams within a club during a season will only be permitted in the change window which runs from the 6th January 2025 and 26th January 2025 (inclusive). Only those players listed on the online Team Sheet may take the court for any match, unless Rule 5.5 applies. Retrospective updates to Team Sheets do not void any applicable penalties.

Penalty: The team committing the infringement shall have a (1) point deducted.

5.5. A player may play ONCE for another team within the same club during a season. A team may “borrow” as many players from within their club for a game provided they only play with a maximum of 8 players. Only 1 player may be from a higher ranked team in the 8. Where a player is playing down, they may only play down to the next lower ranked team in the club (e.g. a player in a first team could not play for the 3rd team). Any players from other team(s) must be disclosed on the Match Sheet.

Penalty: Failure to comply with these requirements will result in the team committing the infringement having any points awarded from the game deducted. The score line will stand.

5.6 For the purpose of ranking teams, the league standing at the end of the prior season will determine higher and lower ranked teams within a club.

5.7 Players must be at least fifteen years old to play in the CENA league AND (in the reasonable opinion of their coach) sufficiently mature to play in an adult league. Clubs may seek permission for a player less than fifteen years old to play in the league by contacting the CENA Match Secretary outlining the rationale for the exception. Any exceptions will be reviewed and approved or declined by the CENA Board.

5.8 A ‘club’ is determined by a single league entry form and for the purpose of rule 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6, comprises of the teams listed on the individual league entry form.

5.9 A player may only be named as a player in one CENA club at a time during the season.

6. Administration

6.1. Teams can register a maximum of 15 players – unless a club has only 1 team, in which case the team may have 20 players. Refer to Rule 5.3.

6.2. A Match Results Sheet will be completed for each game by both teams. This will include the names of the players who were in the squad that night (a maximum of 12), the final scores, the Fairest Players, any players who have played up from a lower ranked team or down from a higher ranked team and the date of the match. Details of any comments from or cautions or warnings issued by the umpire (s) must also be included. The sheet MUST be completed online within 48 hours of the match. At the end of the game (preferably immediately) please complete your team sheet for the game – find your match sheet here – https://netballedinburgh.co.uk/competitions/cena-league-2/
The league tables will be updated if both scores match. Any mistakes spotted or changes needed to your match sheet, please email cenamatchsecretary1@gmail.com.

Penalty: The team committing the infringement shall have a point deducted. Points and score line from the game will stand

6.3. Any players of either team who have been suspended or ordered off must be noted on the match sheet by both teams.
6.3.1. Any player who has been suspended or ordered off in more than one game shall receive a suspension for the next game to be played by their team. The CENA Match Secretary will notify the team involved.
6.3.2. CENA will monitor cumulative suspensions and ordering offs for teams and clubs and may deem it necessary to take action to improve the conduct of players. This could include warnings, fines, point deductions, and / or removal from CENA.

6.4. In the event of a team wishing to claim the points for a match (e.g. other team does not turn up) the representative of the team must inform the CENA Secretary, in writing, stating the basis on which the points are claimed. Cenasecretary1@gmail.com A copy of the email / letter must also be sent to the contact for the team from whom the points are claimed. This information should be sent as soon as possible and must be received within seven days of the match. The CENA Secretary will decide on the request. If required, it may be escalated to the CENA Executive for a decision.

6.5. All clubs must provide one individual to join the CENA Board and / or Committee and / or sub-Committee.

Penalty: Clubs will earn no points for any games until a person has been nominated for each team in the club. Score lines will stand. This penalty will take effect if the nominated person does not attend meetings or take up a role.

6.6. All clubs are required to send at least one representative to all CENA meetings, including the Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary General Meeting.

Penalty: Clubs will be penalised £20 for each meeting missed

7. Umpires

7.1. Each club is required to name on their CENA Registration form the names of at least 1 umpire per team entered, qualified to the appropriate divisions, for the use of umpiring matches. For example, a club with 3 teams must provide a minimum of 3 umpires. Note: Clubs are expected to be able to umpire the proportionate number of games so the names provided must be able to commit to umpiring.
7.1.1. Where an umpire is named for multiple clubs, they will be asked to nominate a ‘home’ club

7.2. Division 1 = minimum B Grade. Division 2 = minimum C Grade with at least 2 years’ of umpiring experience or be working towards their B Grade. Divisions 3 to 5 = minimum C Grade and are 15 years old unless there is consent from the CENA Board.

Penalty: one-off fee of £75.

7.3. Payment: Division 1 umpires will receive £20 per game and Divisions 2, 3, 4 & 5 £15 per game. Teams pay the umpires officiating their game. It is the responsibility of the umpire to ensure compliance with any required HMRC declarations as a result of umpire payments.

7.4. Umpires may not umpire games involving a team in their ‘home’ club. The CENA Match Secretary will factor this into the central umpire rota.

7.5. CENA Match Secretary will create a central umpire rota (on Google Documents) noting which team must provide and umpire for each game. Each club will have access to the Document and must populate the rota with the name of the umpire who will officiate the relevant games. This should be done as far in advance as possible, but will be checked weekly on the Monday prior to the Sunday fixtures. Failure to update the Rota for a Monday deadline will result in a Penalty. Where the CENA Match Secretary or Umpire Lead has to source an umpire, a further fee will apply. No changes should be made after the Monday deadline except in extenuating circumstances. [link to be added] The CENA Match Secretary and / or the Umpire Lead may swap umpires or use games for mentoring opportunities. Any central changes will still contribute to a club’s umpiring commitment (provided this rule has been adhered to).

Penalty: £20 Late Umpire Rota Fee per instance
£20 Umpire Sourcing Fee per instance

7.6. Umpires must be at the venue on time and ready to start the games to schedule. As per INF Rules, if either 1 or both umpires are not provided the match must be cancelled. The HOME team must inform the CENA Match Secretary of the cancellation.

Penalty: £20 Absent Umpire Fee to the Club due to provide the umpire.

7.7. At the end of each half season, the CENA Match Secretary will total the number of games each club has umpired with the umpires named on their league entry. Clubs failing to cover their proportionate allocation of games will be penalised. Umpires who are registered with more than one club will have their umpiring allocated to their home club, unless under explicit instruction from the umpire to allocate the game to a specific club.

Penalty: A fine of £10 per game will be issued to Clubs failing to cover their allocation at the end of the season.

7.8. Umpires are responsible for ensuring the games are properly scored, timed by the teams and played in accordance with the rules of the game.

7.9. Umpires must wear either white top and white bottoms or black top and black bottoms (or a combination of the two) and at no time wear CENA team logos regardless of what teams they are umpiring. Shorts or skort are preferred to leggings to maintain professional umpire standards.

7.10. Umpires must attend a pre-season Umpiring workshop, as organised by the CENA Board. Failure to attend will result in the individual being unable to umpire for the season, unless otherwise agreed with the CENA Executive.

Workshops are mandatory and are open to non-umpires or people considering becoming an umpire.

8. Cancellations/Re-scheduling

Due to the tight schedule, all teams are encouraged to play their matches as per the Match Fixtures List and not seek to rearrange matches.

8.1. If a team fails to appear for a match then, unless it has been agreed in accordance with these rules that the match will be re-scheduled, 3 points are awarded to the opposition. The ‘winning’ team will also be awarded 20 goals for whilst the ‘losing’ team will be awarded 20 goals against for that match.

8.2. Games may be rescheduled where a request has been made with at least two weeks’ notice. The opposition has discretion to decline the request to reschedule and the requesting team will forfeit the game if they cannot play. If a team wishes to re-schedule a league game, they should contact the CENA Match Secretary, their opposition, and the umpires.

Penalty: For cancelled games with less than two weeks’ notice to CENA – £20 Late Cancellation Fee per game

8.2.1. The team requesting the re-schedule must arrange/book an alternative venue and cover any court hire costs incurred. Clubs must also inform the CENA Match Secretary of the revised date & time of the match.

8.2.2. Each team is responsible for arranging one umpire for the rescheduled match, ensuring they have the appropriate grade. Payment and penalties are as per the rule 7.

8.3. If a team wishes to re-schedule a league game because four or more players are to be involved in a competition which has been organised by a national sporting body (e.g. Netball Scotland, Scottish Universities, Sirens District), then the representative of the team must inform the CENA Match Secretary in writing, stating the basis for cancelling the game, AT LEAST two weeks prior to the game. NO requests will be considered after the two-week period prior to the game. The CENA Match Secretary will approve or reject the request and it will be up to the team asking for the match re- schedule, to contact the opposition and umpires to re-arrange the match. Any costs incurred, must be covered by the team requesting the re-schedule. The teams MUST still provide umpires for the other scheduled matches. See rules 8.1 & 8.2.
If a team wishes to appeal the decision of the Secretary, they can contact the CENA President in writing for a decision.

Penalty: £20 Late Cancellation Fee

8.4. If a match is re-scheduled
8.4.1. it must take place by the end of the half season in which the match was originally scheduled to take place;
8.4.2. any costs incurred in relation to the match shall be borne by the team seeking to re-schedule the match. See rule 8.2;
8.4.3. each team will be responsible for providing one umpire each; and
8.4.4. the score of the re-scheduled match shall stand, with the match sheet being submitted in accordance with these rules.

8.5. If the match is not rescheduled, it shall be treated as though the team wishing to reschedule has forfeited the match, i.e. 3 points are awarded to the opposition. The ‘winning’ team will also be awarded 20 goals for, whilst the ‘losing’ team will be awarded 20 goals against for that match.

Penalty (for rule 8): a failure to make contact with the CENA Match Secretary in accordance with these rules will result in the forfeit of 1 point from the infringing team. This is in addition to any penalty applied due to the cancellation or forfeiture of a match.

9. Standards, Behaviour and conduct

Everyone involved in CENA netball is expected to adhere to CENA Policies and Standards and the Netball Scotland Code of Ethics and Behaviour, which can be found here: https://www.netballscotland.com/files/images/documents_files/Code of ethics A4 – FINAL.pdfhere
Where CENA does not have a specific policy in place, the relevant Netball Scotland policy will apply.

9.1. All Clubs must achieve and maintain the minimum Thistle Mark standard as set out by Netball Scotland.

9.2. All clubs will be held responsible for their players, coaches, and spectators.

9.3. All teams should carry a first aid kit.

9.4. Any U’18 team must be accompanied by a responsible adult (over 18 years old).

9.5. All teams should ensure that players are netball ready and should remove all jewellery, including all piercings (except a covered Medi-Alert bracelet or wedding ring). Nails must be short and smooth. Players wearing jewellery (even taped earrings) will not be allowed on court.

9.6. Anyone wishing to take photographs must request permission from both teams and umpires BEFORE a game commences and record this on the match sheet. Note: it may be necessary to ensure that any athlete declared to be at risk is not photographed. It is the responsibility of coaches or team captain to monitor anyone taking photographs during their matches. Any person breaking this rule and found to be photographing may be asked to leave the vicinity. Please advise any parents and supporters to avoid any embarrassment to them and the officials.

9.7. CENA may photograph and/or film matches for publicity and marketing purposes. Rule 9.6 will be followed, and permission sought from relevant teams to protect players who may be at risk, or identify players (and/or where appropriate their parent/carer) who have not provided filming and photography consent to their clubs.

9.8. All players, coaches and spectators should:
9.8.1. Respect coaches, umpires and players – both your own team and the opposition
9.8.2. Not use offensive language, remarks or behaviour
9.8.3. Adhere to the venue’s policies
9.8.4. Remove litter and lost property, including water bottles at the end of their match

10. Discipline/Disputes

The CENA Complaints and Disciplinary Committee shall consist of the Executive Committee, and CENA Match Secretary, chaired by the President. The Committee shall meet as and when required and may invite additional people as required.

10.1. Any disputes which cannot be dealt with by the umpires during a match must be lodged in writing by the club(s) or umpire(s) concerned to the CENA Secretary within 7 days of the match for resolution. If the CENA Secretary (in conjunction with the CENA Management Committee) is unable to resolve the dispute, it shall be referred to the CENA Complaints and Discipline Committee.

10.2. Any complaints regarding league issues, umpires, players, side-line issues etc. must be lodged in writing by the club(s) or official(s) concerned to the CENA Secretary. If this is considered serious then the complaint will be referred to the CENA Complaints and Discipline Committee. The Committee may take any action it deems appropriate.

10.3. Any infringement of the rules during a match of a serious nature should be reported to the CENA Secretary and President by the umpire(s) for consideration, who may evoke the CENA Complaints and Discipline Committee for action. This must be submitted in writing no later than 1 week after the infringement has occurred.

10.4. The CENA Board may convene the Complaints and Disciplinary Committee to consider appropriate actions for suspensions, ordering off and other items noted on Match Sheets.

10.5. Upon receipt of any disputes/complaints the CENA Complaints and Discipline Committee may ask for a report from both umpires and from the offending team/player/coach/umpire, on their conduct within a reasonable timeframe and no later than 14 days from receipt of the complaint. The said Committee may also ask for a report from other parties involved if it is deemed necessary. The said committee is to consider all reports and respond with a resolution and advise of any match bans or penalties to the person who lodged the complaint and the club(s) President within 3 weeks of receipt.

10.6. The Board have the right to apply match bans to individual players and/or penalise teams if deemed appropriate.

10.7. Any ruling on disputes or discipline made by the CENA Complaints and Discipline Committee will be binding and will not be subject to appeal.

10.8. If any team feels aggrieved by the application of the league rules, it may appeal to the CENA Complaints and Discipline Committee, outlining the reasons why it doesn’t think the rules should be applied in its particular case. The said Committee shall be entitled to invite and consider the views of any other team who would be affected by the application or non-application of the rule(s) in question and the decision of the said Committee will be binding and not subject to appeal. Any such appeal shall be made as quickly as possible after the application of the rule(s) in question and must be made by the end of December in relation to rules applied during the first half of the season and before the end of the week following the last game of the league in relation to rules applied for games falling in the second half of the season.

11. Fees and Payments

11.1. CENA Fees must be paid annually in October unless otherwise agreed with the CENA Treasurer.

11.2. Financial penalties will be invoiced to clubs and must be paid within 2 weeks of receipt of invoice.

11.3. Income raised from fines will be used to develop netball in Edinburgh, including umpiring, coaching, playing and volunteering. The Board will inform members how funds have been spent.

Penalty: Where fines are unpaid, and unless otherwise agreed with the CENA Board, all teams within the Club will not earn any points from games until the fine is paid. Lost points will NOT be reinstated upon payment of the invoice.
Failure to pay fees or penalties will be referred to the CENA Board and may result in a team or club being removed from CENA.